Thousands touched by STOP Suicide campaign

A collage of people holding the I'd Ask sign

The STOP Suicide campaign is encouraging people to ask directly and openly about suicide

THOUSANDS of people have been touched locally, nationally and even internationally by the STOP Suicide campaign since its launch on World Suicide Prevention Day in September.

STOP Suicide is a ground-breaking suicide prevention campaign which calls on individuals and communities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to smash the taboo surrounding suicide and make it “everybody’s business”.

“Every year lives are lost because of the stigma around suicide, preventing people either seeking help for themselves or reaching out to others. Our message is simple: talking openly about suicide saves lives” said Aly Anderson, campaign project manager at Mind in Cambridgeshire who the campaign is led by, alongside Peterborough and Fenland Mind and Lifecraft, supported by local NHS and Public Health teams.

With over 2,200 website visits and nearly 500 followers on Twitter the campaign has gained support from high profile organisations such as Anxiety UK, as well as individuals such as Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, BAFTA nominated Dragon Kelly Hoppen and National Clinical Director of Mental Health for England Geraldine Strathdee. The campaign has even captured international interest – most notably from the US, Canada, Brazil and Sweden.

STOP Suicide Pledge

The STOP Suicide Pledge is central to the campaign and invites organisations and individuals to make a commitment to themselves and members of their community by talking more openly about suicide, seeking help if they are struggling and helping those in distress to stay safe.

24 organisations have already signed up to the Organisational Pledge, reaching approximately 12,000 employees. Key organisations include Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council.

The STOP Suicide campaign is now urging individuals to sign the Personal Pledge. With currently just over 350 Personal Pledges, the target is 700 Personal Pledges by the end of March 2015.

By making a personal commitment to STOP Suicide, individuals can help make a big difference.

Aly Anderson, said: “You don’t need to be a mental health professional to help someone who is feeling suicidal. An estimated 75 per cent of suicides are by people who have not had contact with mental health services.

“Every pledge the campaign receives indicates that there is one more person out in our community who is prepared to ask directly about suicide if they are worried about someone – and seek help for themselves should they ever need it.”

If you would like to register your support for this taboo-busting campaign, please sign the STOP Suicide Pledge. It takes less than a minute – and it could help save a life.


Now 40 non-mental health professionals from Peterborough, Cambridge and Wisbech have completed the internationally-recognised, fully-funded ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) course, in order to feel more ready, able and willing to help people at risk of suicide. One participant from the Cambridge session described their experience: “Excellent course – user friendly tool, well rehearsed and practiced leading to a feeling of confidence. Well worth it, thank you.” The next course will take place on 21 and 22 January 2015 in Peterborough. For more information and to book, call 01223 311320 or email

Christmas can be one of the most stressful events of the year, leading to suicidal thoughts and feelings. It can help to remember that you are not alone in how you feel.

Support for coping at Christmas:

Samaritans 08457909090 (24-hr)      

Lifeline (Cambridgeshire Helpline) 0808 8082121 (7-11pm)

Top Tip on Managing Christmas Stress – Mind in Cambridgeshire