We believe that suicide can be prevented. An estimated one in five of us has had suicidal thoughts, but no one wants to talk about it.


World Suicide Prevention Day

Did you know it’s World Suicide Prevention Day on Sunday 10 September?


We believe that everyday is suicide prevention day and we spoke to two STOP Suicide Campaign Makers, Zoe Cawley and Tom Gosling to find out about their experiences with asking directly about suicide and how one conversation can change a life.



Jen’s story

A combination of challenging circumstances left Jen feeling overwhelmed.



Experiences like Jen’s are the inspiration for our STOP Suicide campaign.

I'd ask, would you?

Since the launch in 2014, our STOP Suicide campaign has been on a mission to raise public awareness and understanding about ‘asking directly about suicide’.


We believe that suicide is ‘everybody’s business’.


How relationship breakdowns can impact mental health

Our latest #ASKingSaveLives campaign is set out to highlight risk factors of suicide and empower you to spot warning signs in those around you.


Did you know that relationship breakdown can have a significant impact on mental health? It may increase the chances that someone is experiencing suicidal thoughts.


If someone you know is experiencing:

• Family conflict

• Loss including loss of access to children

• Isolation

• Domestic abuse

• Or a combination of these experiences


It may be essential to ask directly about suicide. Whether that’s a family member, colleague, neighbour or stranger – be alert to the following key indicators to help those who are feeling suicidal stay safe.


Suicide warning signs

Suicide Warning Signs



Isabel Cross, Head of Campaigns and Communication at CPSL Mind, says, “Suicide prevention is everybody’s business. We should all learn how to spot signs that someone might be having suicidal thoughts. If you think someone might feel weighed down by a relationship or is experiencing emotions like hopelessness or despair, it’s time to act.”


“Asking directly about suicide can begin a conversation that saves a person’s life,” Isabel adds, “we want to ensure that individuals and organisations in our community are confident in doing so.”


It’s also important to remember if you’re experiencing a relationship breakdown to speak to someone you trust like a friend, colleague, family member or health professional about how you’re feeling.



Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone.


You may be overwhelmed by your emotions, overwhelmed by anxiety, hearing or seeing things that are frightening you or experiencing suicidal thoughts.


Whatever your experience, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Talking to someone could be the first step to feeling better.


First Response Service number



In Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, you can access the NHS First Response Service to speak with the crisis team by calling 111 and selecting the mental health option.



Advice for young people at risk of suicide

0800 068 4141 (helpline 10am – 10pm, Monday – Friday 2pm – 5pm, weekend and bank holiday)

07786 209697 (SMS)





116 123 (Freephone, 24 hour helpline)





National Domestic Violence Helpline

0808 2000 247



Respect: Men’s Advice Line

0808 801 0327



National Helpline for LGBT+Victims and survivors of abuse or violence

0800 999 5428


(Formerly Broken-Rainbow)


Lifeline Helpline, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

0800 808 2121

Listening and support line 11am-11pm daily


Note: Not all lines are monitored 24/7 

How to ask directly about suicide

It can feel scary to ask directly about suicide. If you’re concerned about someone, it is the right thing to do. It could save a life.


This short animated suicide prevention film teaches you to ‘Just ASK’ and follow the ASK acronym: Actively listen, Safety plan and Know your limitations.



We will also be running a series of open, free-to-attend STOP Suicide training workshops throughout the year. Attending one of these sessions will equip you with the knowledge to have a conversation and save lives.

Two women in winter coats having a conversation on the street
'I'd ask, would you?'
A graphic listing the suicide warning signs
'Suicide Warning Signs'
A graphic reading
'Relationship breakdown'
Two young people sat on a wooden bench having a conversation
'Asking Saves Lives'